Plant Care of Alocasia - especially Alocasia Variegata

Alocasia are a real eye-catcher in any plant collection, especially the rare Alocasia Variegata, which immediately catch the eye with their impressive variegated leaves. These exotic plants require special care to maintain their unique beauty and grow healthily. In this blog post, you will learn everything you need to know about caring for variegated alocasia and how to look after these special plants in the best possible way.


Alocasias originate from the tropics and thrive best in an environment with high humidity. The variegated Alocasias are no exception here - they benefit from a humidity level of at least 60 %.

Tips for increasing the humidity:

- Place the plant on a pebble tray filled with water.

- Use a humidifier to create the ideal environment.


🌡️ Temperature:

Alocasia love warmth and thrive best at constant temperatures between 18 °C and 30 °C. However, cool draughts or sudden temperature fluctuations can put a lot of strain on the plant and lead to leaf loss.

How to ensure the perfect temperature:

Do not place the plant near windows or doors that are often opened in winter.

Keep it away from radiators, as dry heating air can dry out the leaves.

If temperatures drop below 15 °C at night, you should move the plant to a warmer place, especially if it is outside.

☀️ Light and location:

Alocasia, especially the variegated varieties, prefer a bright location with indirect light. Direct sunlight can burn the sensitive leaves, while too little light can cause the plant to lose its characteristic variegation.


Place your Alocasia Variegata in a spot with plenty of bright, filtered light - an east or west-facing window is ideal, but make sure that it is not exposed to too much direct sunlight, especially in summer.

If necessary, use a plant lamp to optimize the light conditions, especially in the winter months.


🚿 Watering:

Alocasia like moist but well-drained soil. The right watering behavior is crucial to avoid root rot.

How to water correctly:

Water the plant when the top layer of soil is slightly dry.

It is best to use lime-free water, such as rainwater or filtered water, to protect the sensitive roots.

Make sure that no water remains in the saucer - alocasia is sensitive to waterlogging.


🌱 Care:

The right substrate is crucial for the care of Alocasia Variegata. A well-drained, slightly acidic substrate is ideal as it supplies the roots with oxygen and prevents waterlogging. Like many tropical plants, Alocasia is susceptible to pests such as spider mites, thrips and aphids. Incorrect care can also lead to problems such as root rot or leaf loss.

Substrate tips:

Use a mixture of potting soil, orchid substrate and perlite or mineral substrate. Personally, I often use either a stratum-perlite mix or moss and place the alocasia in vases. This makes it easy to observe their roots and you can also see directly how moist the substrate is.


Fertilize the plant every 2-4 weeks during the growing season (spring to autumn) with a liquid fertilizer for green plants.

In winter, fertilization should be reduced or stopped completely. In showcases, however, you can fertilize every year, as the temperature and light are usually higher there.

Prevention and treatment:

Check the plant regularly for pests and clean the leaves with a mild soap solution if infested.

Keep the leaves clean to avoid dust and fungal infestation.

If the plant loses leaves, check the roots for rot and cut off damaged roots.


If you have any further questions about caring for alocasia or are interested in a specific topic, please post them in the comments <3

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